How to take Homoeopathy medicine


Homoeopathy is the fastest growing system of medicine in the world today. It is the second most preferred system of medicine globally and is practices in more than 100 countries. Homoeopathy is also the most trending therapy online.

In this COVID-19 circumstances more and more people are seeking homoeopathic treatment. They are not only searching Homoeopathic medicines to improve immunity , but also to treat all their problems. In fact in most cases it is people’s first choice of medicine.

“ Homoeopathy still remains the most misunderstood system of medicine. With modern medicine not acknowledging Homoeopathy’s efficacy ,lot of confusion and myths  are abuzz about Homoeopathic treatment.” 

“Doctor how to take these medicines? Are there any restrictions? How long to eat or not while taking these medicines? “ These are common questions that are asked to me in practice day in and day out.

Here is a step by step guide to all that you need to know about homoeopathic medicines and it's posology.

Let’s Enumerate :

  • Doctors prescription
  • Form / type of medicines
  • How to take Homoeopathic medicine
  • How to store Homoeopathic medicines
  • When to take Homoeopathic medicines
  • What to do and what not to do
  • Side effects and cross reaction
  • Your homework
  • Reporting the doctor

Doctor’s prescription

DO NOT BUY OVER THE COUNTER HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES. Always consult a qualified homoeopath near you before taking homoeopathic medicines. It’s not the question of side effects or no side-effects. There is a purpose behind seeking treatment. You want to get out of your ordeal. This needs through case-study via systematic protocol set in Homoeopathy. Trust me consulting a homoeopath is the most cost-effective way to treat your illness.

After asking you about you , your Homoeopath will prescribe you medicines mostly from his pharmacy. He may advice some Homoeopathic medicines to be purchased from medical store or online. Clearly understand the dosage and other instructions your homoeopath gives. Ask again if you are confused. Dose pattern play an important role in treating you. Do not follow non-homoeopaths advice for medicines .

Form / type of homoeopathic medicines

Homoeopathic medicines come in the form of pills , powders , pellets , oils , liquids , syrups and creams. Pills and powder are the most common methods of administering Homoeopathic medicines.


Please note above mention varieties are mediums to give medicines . Homoeopathic medicines that treat you are made in clinical alcohol ( not the popular alcohol ) which carry the curative effects of the specific medicines , or direct extracts in water , oil or gel bases. Oils and creams are frequent modes for orthopaedic or skin disease treatment. Mother tinctures are often in liquid form. Liquids and syrups are easy methods of giving Homoeopathic medicines to kids. Bio-chemic medicines come in the form of pellets.

How to take Homoeopathic medicine ?

You will get as many answers , as many number of people you pose this question. Understand one thing, Homoeopathy has miniscule side-effects ,it will not harm you much, so people are free to advice anything about it. A qualified Homoeopath is the right person to guide you. There are certain guidelines to take Homoeopathic meidicnes , your homoeopath may alter them a bit if he feels.

  1. Take pills , pellets , powder in their respective caps . do not interchange caps . Let the pills linger in the mouth. They will dissolve on their own.
  2. Liquids can be taken orally or in water. ORAL drops must be put below the tongue.Let the liquid be in the oral cavity for a while. You may sip a bit of water after 2 minutes.
  3. Oils and creams must be applied gently on the affected area and not rubbed vigorously. They will gradually get absorbed in the skin and start acting. Take care they do not touch sensitive organs. Medicines for internal use are specified aptly.

How to store Homoeopathic medicines ?

Homoeopathic medicines are high on curative energy content of the underlying substances. They are made by sequential dilutions to enhance the treatability of the remedy. This does make them sensitive to light and smell. We are providing with the guidelines for storage of these medicines.

  1. Keep medicines in the package you homoeopath has provided.
  2. Store them away from sunlight or bright coloured light.
  3. Place these medicines away from perfumes , incandescent sticks (agarbatti) , scented soaps and candles .
  4. Kitchen is not the place to store Homoeopathic medicines , nor is the fridge top.
  5. Do not keep Homoeopathic medicines inside the fridge or cupboard.
  6. Bed-side , study table or TV cabinet in the living room are best place to keep these medicines. It not only are airy and frequently cleaned places , being in your range of vision , you are less likely to forget the dose.
  7. Storing these in an opaque plastic or cardboard box is a good idea. Do not forget to spread a dry tissue paper in the box. It will absorb all the moisture.

When to take Homoeopathic medicines ?

Normally homoeopathic medicines are taken empty stomach. In acute cases they might be taken every 15 minutes too. With every dosage pattern there are certain rules to be kept in mind. Your homoeopath will define your scheme of medication. Here are a few more tips you must follow:

  2. Never take Homoeopathic medicines after consuming tobacco , gutkha or alcoholic drinks.
  3. Do not take pills in the palms of your hand.
  4. Take homoeopathic medicines before  other medicines. Firstly your mouth will be dry to make these medicines effective and other medicines might leave smell ot colour in your mouth.
  5. Some medicines are not to be taken at certain times of the day. Ask your homoeopath regarding this.

What to do and what not to do ?

DO NOT BUY READING BOOKS OR SOMEONE SUGGESTING YOU. Better visit and let us know whatever you are suffering. We will deliver you medicines to your home. Your Homoeopathic medicines are unique to you. It may not treat illnesses of someone else. So do not give your medicines to others. Let them scroll too for complete results. After taking the medicines observe every change , good or bad , and let your doctor know this when you consult him next time. You may use FOLLOW-UP on to store your observations.

Side effects and cross reaction of Homoeopathic medicines

Homoeopathic medicines do not have major side effects. Whatever adverse effects you may suffer will vanish within 1 to 4 hours or half a day of stopping the medicine. If your complaints still persist or existing complaints keep increasing , that means your homoeopathic medicine did not act as desired. Initial rise in presenting complaint followed by relief is the ideal way Homoeopathic medicines will treat you completely.


Your homework

There are few thing you need to do for yourself. Because if you do not help yourself no medicines can.

Clearly express what you are suffering in any language you wish but use simple wordings. Once a patient told me “ doctor I have gastro “ . he was suffering for indigestion and flatulence. Gastro is serious illness needing hospitalization. Do not substitute your feelings with medical terminologies.

Answer whatever your homoeopath asks with complete conviction. Some of the question may seem disconnected , but are relevant to understand you as a person. Revert back if you do not remember anything during the case-taking session with the homoeopath. If you are accompanying someone , give unbiased opinion about that person when questioned by the homeopath. Your views will show the best picture of illness to the doctor.

Reporting the doctor

As discussed earlier your inputs form a vital part of the whole process of recovery. Whatever you report to your homoeopath , howsoever small , it will help the doctor reach the precise remedy that will treat every aspect of your illness from the roots. Do not hesitate to express anything to the doctor , he will always maintain professional secrecy. As it is Homoeopathy does not judge you as paranoid , depressed , aggressive or confused. You are what you are for a homoeopath. In this “you-ness” lies the uniqueness of your being and the homoeopath understands this.

Present as many investigation reports as you can during the consultation. Promptly perform further tests advised by your homoeopath and report him at the earliest. It is always better to catch the illness in its early stages.

Maintain dignity and poise during the consultation. Homoeopath is a simple person , his behaviour is aimed at making you at ease during the interview. Respect his efforts , they are for your benefits. Also abide by the appointment schedules , first case-taking takes a long time. Do not be impatient , it will do more harm than good. Report for follow-up in time and wait for your turn. Instead you may consult us online . let us know your complaints and we will contact you to know more about it. Then after complete analysis we will send medicines to your home. It’s so simple.


Homoeopathic medicines are simple , safe methods of treating your illness quickly. Follow certain guidelines and be on the same page with your homoeopath. You may consult us online instead. Any which way good health and strong immunity is  the final outcome.

Take care .

What is homoeopathy- 10 facts you must know

What is Homoeopathy

“ Similia Similibus Curenter “

Substances that produce disease-like symptoms in healthy humans can cure the same in a sick person .

This forms the basis of Homoeopathic therapeutics. Eg. Chopping onion causes burning and watery eyes for a short period of time . Homoeopathic medicine made out of raw onion is used in treating Common cold with burning eyes and runny nose. Similar to this , there are many substances around us that affect us and cause sickness. Homoeopathy uses these to produce remedies that treat this ailments.

“ Is it used directly to make the medicine ? “  No. There is a scientific process , tested and approved world-wide. Let me explain how’s , what’s , why’s and when’s of Homoeopathy Here are 10 facts about Homoeopathy you never knew.

  • How was Homoeopathy discovered
  • How are Homoeopathic medicines made
  • What substances are used in making homoeopathic  remedies
  • How do homoeopathic drugs treat illness
  • What all illnesses can homoeopathy treat
  • Why is homoeopathy said to be slow
  • Why do most countries reject homoeopathy results
  • When should I start homoeopathic treatment
  • Whom should I consult for homoeopathic treatment
  • What precautions should I take.
  • When do homoeopathic drugs show side-effects

How was Homoeopathy discovered

Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician , discovered homoeopathy in the late eighteenth century. The popular medical system at that time was crude and potentially dangerous for the patient. The methods of treating patients during those days included blood- letting , purging and multi-drug therapy. Dr.Hahnemann developed homoeopathy such that it provided safe , simple and easy system of therapeutics that was centred around the patient and his feeling of the sickness. He tested the medicines on himself to prove its disease causing and curative capacities. Based in the principle of Similai Similibus Curenter , Homoeopathy believed in administering medicines in a power just enough to produce symptoms stronger that the illness and treat it.

What substances are used in making Homoeopathic  remedies

Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from animals discharges , products , plant extracts or parts , minerals , metals and other natural substances. We are affected by  and fall sick due to many things living or non-living around us. Most of the entities in our immediate environment are used to produce homoeopathic medicines. The place , circumstances and behaviour of the source of medicine determine the characteristics it exhibits during drug-proving. This set of symptoms guides your homoeopath to the precise medicine that will treat you well.

The medicines are not given directly to the patients. Pills , pellets or powder made out of processed and purified goat milk or sugarcane extracts. They are inert in action , that is they do not have any action of their own. They act as medium of giving medicines. Basic non-acting oils and petroleum jelly and pharmaceutical grade creams are used to make ointments and lotions.

How homoeopathic medicines are made

          The base of homoeopathic dilutions is medical alcohol. This is a pure non-reaction alcohol that makes administration of Homoeopathic doses convenient and easy.

The process by which homoeopathic medicines are made are called  ‘potentisation ‘ and ‘succusion’ methods.

Potentisation involves proportional dilution of desired remedy. Succusion is systematic and calculated vigorous vibration of proportional dilution to potentise it. This process is called “dynamization”. Dynamization accentuates the inherent curative power of the drugs to maximum while erasing its toxicity to make it side-effect free. The medicines are then proved in healthy human beings, of all age groups and all races , to ascertain their curative properties.

How do Homoeopathic drugs treat illness

Human body exhibits a stern immune response to every allergen that attempts to sicken you. When this body resistance is dented signs of illness appear. Intensity of the disease causing agents, your body defence mechanism and the difference between them decides the extent of your  suffering. Homoeopathic drugs repair and enhance your body’s vital energy. This will not only treat your sufferings but keep you healthy for a longer period of time. Homoeopathic medicines not only annihilate causative entities but sooth presenting complaints quickly. These remedies trigger specific immune responses directed towards the distressing symptoms that you experience. Long and extensive case-taking gives your homoeopath insight into every aspect of your illness and precise medicines to treat it.

What all illnesses can Homoeopathy treat

Homoeopathy treats you as a person. Every illness causes multisystem derangement of functions in your body. Think of the last time you had fever. Not only the body temperature rose but you felt headache , weakness , leg cramps or gastric  troubles too. You could not concentrate on work too and did not enjoy your favourite food.

Homoeopathy treats each and every complaint that you may suffer. Physical , Functional , Psychological suffering are addressed with easy and simple approach. For more information about what homoeopathy can treat you may visit

Why is homoeopathy said to be slow

Inspite of consistant good results , homoeopathy still cannot prove its mantle due to basic difference in approach

to treatment and medication. Popular image of Homoeopathy makes it the last choice in most patients. This perception has changed in the recent past though. During COVID-19 pandemic times Homoeopathy came to the rescue of the anxious masses with immunity boosters.

          Not an excuse , but patients approach Homoeopathy as the last resort , when other medicines have failed and the disease had become chronic. Homoeopathy treatment has it’s hand full. Results are slow to appear.

          There are certain illnesses that have their roots in emotional hurts or old habits. Sickness due to environmental or allergic causes or your bad habits act as maintaining cause and make Homoeopathy treatment slow.

          Remember that Homoeopathy will not attempt to suppress or just keep complaints in control ,  it will treat the root cause of your diseases.

Why do most countries reject homoeopathy results

 Concentration of Homoeopathic remedies are such that it is difficult to demonstrate their presence. Homoeopathy postulates that with each level of dynamization   the medicinal substance decreases and curiative power increases. This theory is not approved in many countries , they agree to the efficacy of treatment though.

Many countries discard Homoeopathic treatment as placebo and the results as feel good effect of extensive case-taking process that works as therapeutic. Isn’t it fabulous , getting better just by talks. There are economic reasons for rejection of Homoeopathy in some countries due to pharma industry dominance.

When should I start homoeopathic treatment

There are two modes of Homoeopathic treatment- preventive and curative.

Preventive Homoeopathy : It aims at keeping you away from sickness. In our daily life , our strife to success we are exposed to many disease causing agents. Not all conditions suit our physique or body constitution. You need help to combat these maintaining entities.

          Start Homoeopathic treatment immediately. It will not only treat the symptoms you may be suffering but also improve immunity too.

Curative Homoeopathy : Homoeopathic remedies will produce results as quickly as you take them. I would advice you to understand the character and intensity of your complaints. If severe you should visit a specialist physician who will prevent complications and save life. You may then seek Homoeopathic treatment. I am in no way suggesting Homoeopathy is inadequate to treat emergencies. I am just suggesting practical solutions.

          For non-serious complaints , visit a Homoeopath near you . Express symptoms extensively and follow the instructions of your Homoeopath.

Whom should I consult for homoeopathy

          This is important. Since Homoeopathy medicines produce almost negligible side-effects , anyone and everyone prescribe them. We saw this during COVID-19 pandemic. In the quest to show one-up-man-ship people prescribe non-analysed Homoeopathic medicines that complicate your complaints.

          Always consult a qualified Homoeopathic practitioner near you. Never buy over-the-counter medicines if not prescribed by a Homoeopath. You can consult us online. Open navigate and select your illness , click your symptoms for the list provided and checkout. We will assess and consult you online before dispatching you the medicines

What precautions should I take.

          After consulting and narrating all that your Homoeopath questions , he/she will prescribe medicnes along with few restrictions and diet/exercise tips. Clearly understand them. Specific group of Homoeopathic medicines have certain restrictions and rules. Your Homoeopath will elaborate them to you and your attendant.

          Here are a few common precautions :

  • Never take Homoeopathic medicines after consuming tobacco , gutkha or alcoholic drinks.
  • Do not take pills in the palms of your hand.
  • Take Homoeopathic medicines before  other medicines. Firstly your mouth will be dry to make these medicines effective and other medicines might leave smell ot colour in your mouth.
  • Some medicines are not to be taken at certain times of the day. Ask your homoeopath regarding this.

When do Homoeopathic drugs show side-effects

Homoeopathic medicines do not show ‘side-effects’. They produce slight increase in your symptoms , but this is transient and last not more than 2 to 4 hours.

When your complaints increase it means the illness is getting complicated. Re-consider whether you forgot to tell something to your Homoeopath and re-understand dosage. Consult your Homoeopath and sort out the issue.

Cross reaction of Homoeopathic medicines with other medicines ( Ayurvedic , Allopathic , Herbal etc.) is rare and the effects vanish soon after stopping the medicines.

Overdose or wrong method of taking medicines may cause adverse reactions which are often self-limiting.